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Humans and other animals: a short circuit between worlds

Mattia Sinigaglia, Ti vede, Oil, gold-silver-multicolor leaf on canvas, 200 × 300 cm | Courtesy A plus A Gallery | © Mattia Sinigaglia

Freely inspired by the title of the last book by philosopher Jacques Derrida - The Animal that I am therefore - Mattia Sinigaglia's solo exhibition currently underway at A plus A Gallery is dedicated to the atavistic and essential relationship between mankind and animals. The artist's work reveals an awareness of the history of forms and symbolisms linked to the animal world that originates from prehistoric representations of animals in places such as Lascaux, Chauvet or Cosquer, and is shaped by the study starting from the Greek and Roman world, and from the first great civilizations, passing through the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, up to the times of capitalism and technology, of Modernism and Conceptual Art. In Sinigaglia's vision, over the millennia humans have increasingly focused on their own species, marginalizing other animals and animism, distancing themselves from the model of nature and exponentially widening the distance between themselves and other living beings until they irremediably lost the original bond from cave times, but since art is not only subject to evolutionary development, and has been perfect since its origins, traceable back to those first signs traced on the rocks, since its origins the encounter with the animal has been essential for art.

  1. Keywords:, nozio business, a plus a gallery